April 2, 2019
15 Tips for Visiting Disney World With Preschoolers

15 Tips for Visiting Disney World With Preschoolers


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If you are heading to Disney World with a preschooler here are 15 tips you are going to want to know for Visiting Disney World With Preschoolers!

15 Disney World Tips and Tricks for seeing Disney World with Preschoolers! MUST READ before your next family vacation.

Visiting Disney World With Preschoolers

One of the very best things about Disney World is the fact that it can be enjoyed by absolutely anyone. Whether you’re taking your grandparents or your preschooler, you are sure to find some amazing things to enjoy together.

That said, if you are planning on taking a preschooler to Disney, you are going to need to plan accordingly. As a parent I’m sure you realize this, but what you may not know is exactly what kinds of steps you can take in order to make your Disney trip as magical as possible.

So what kinds of things should you know and do before heading to Disney World with a preschooler? Check out our Visiting Disney World With Preschoolers.

#1: Go In With a Plan

It’s always important to have a plan when heading into a Disney park. Watch videos of the rides at home and allow your child to help you choose which ones to see. Make a list of which rides you want to ride and know the most efficient order to ride them in. Have a plan for meals (you can bring in a sack lunch) and make any dining reservations you may need in advance.
A loose plan can really help ensure you do and see everything on your list without too much back and forth.

#2: Know Height Requirements

When making your plan, it is a good idea to check out the height requirements for thrill rides. Only a few Disney World rides have height restrictions, but many of those that do are headliners. Knowing if your preschooler can’t ride something before you arrive at the park will give you time to prepare them for that fact.

disney world tips

#3: Keep Your Routine

Small children thrive on routine. Unfortunately, vacations can really mess with routines. Therefore, you will need to go out of your way to make sure you keep the most important parts of your routine. This will help your child feel a bit more comfortable in an unusual situation and could prevent some major meltdowns.

#4: Schedule FastPasses

The FastPass+ system in Disney World is nothing short of magical. This system allows users to schedule three ride times in advance, meaning they get to skip the majority of the line for those rides. As you can imagine, this is a lifesaver when your preschooler is dying to ride Peter Pan’s Flight but doesn’t have the patience to wait in line for an hour or more.
Be sure to schedule your FastPasses at least a month in advance (or sooner if you’re staying on Disney property during your trip).

#5: Slow Down

Instead of trying to see everything in every park, slow down. Stop to play bubbles with cast members or watch a fountain for a few minutes. Sometimes letting the kids take the lead for a while can lead to magical little experiences you never would have found otherwise.

#6: Take Breaks

Take breaks in the park by finding a nice place to sit. Take breaks every afternoon by heading back to the hotel room. If you are taking a multi-day trip and you have time, you may even want to schedule an entire day of rest and relaxation in order to recharge your batteries.

#7: Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Get enough sleep. Maintaining your child’s nap schedule is of the utmost importance, and reasonable bedtimes simply must be set. By getting enough rest and making sure your children are also rested, you are setting yourself up for a happy, healthy trip. Too little sleep will almost certainly cause grumpy moods, and could even lead to illness.

disney world with preschoolers

#8: Bring a Stroller

If you have a four-year-old, it’s pretty likely they are independent enough to walk next to you almost everywhere you go. Disney World is another story.
While you may be tempted to leave the stroller behind, this is a decision you will regret when you’re carrying a sleeping four-year-old back to the hotel room or listening to a tired three-year-old complain about his feet hurting.

#9: Grab the Sanitizer

Disney parks are filled with people, and this means they are also filled with germs. Nobody wants to get sick on vacation. Therefore, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes are two items you will want to keep in your bag at all times.

#10: Don’t Forget Snacks

Pack some easy-to-eat snacks you know your child will eat while in the parks. Pull these out during long waits in line or while waiting for the parade. Your child will be occupied and you won’t have to worry about the hunger grumpies setting in.

#11: Invest in an ID Bracelet

Losing your child can really put a damper on an otherwise great trip. Fortunately, Disney is pretty great at handling such situations. By keeping this in mind, putting an ID bracelet on your kiddo, and reminding them of what they should do if they do become lost, you can relax a little bit.

#12: Set a Souvenir Budget

Nothing brings on the “I wants” more strongly than a theme park full of gift shops. Avoid the four-year-old “I want” meltdowns by giving your kid a budget and helping them manage their money wisely.
Packing some inexpensive Disney gifts to dole out throughout the trip can help also.

#13: Use Rider Switch

As we mentioned before, it’s pretty likely there will be a few rides your preschooler can’t ride. However, this doesn’t mean you have to miss out. If you have another adult with you, be sure to take advantage of the “rider switch” option. This allows one adult to wait in line while the other adult watches the child. After the first person goes, they trade with their buddy, who can then skip the majority of the line.

#14: Pack Extra Clothes

Some of the parks have splash pads for the kids to play in. For this reason—among others—you will want to pack some extra clothes for the kids in your Disney bag.

#15: Consider Noise-Cancelling Headphones

If your little one is sensitive to sounds, you will probably want to pick up a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Disney World is a loud place, but with the proper earwear, even the most sound sensitive child can have a great time.

By keeping these tips in mind throughout your vacation planning and during your time in the parks, you are sure to have an amazing time and make memories your family will treasure forever.

Disney World Tips and Tricks

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